Protocols List -> Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud ports range, how to block Tencent Cloud in network?

Tencent Cloud
Support: WFilter zh.4.1, WFilter en.4.1, WFilter Free 1.0, WFilter ROS 1.0, WFilter MINI 1.0
  Author: DaiLen ModifyTime: 2020-12-04 00:29:00  
      QQ Disk offers you 1GB storage in the cloud for free, you can upload your files on QQ disk and access your files from any computer at anytime and anywhere. It’s a great way to keep a copy of all important files and transfer large files between computers.  

This protocol is shared by another user. You can install it in "System Settings"->"Protocols" of WFilter.


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"Tencent Cloud" uses TCP protocol for communication.

TCP traffic analysis

Ports Range

Remote tcp port(s): 14000,8080,443,80, 80.

HTTP traffic analysis

HTTP traffic is found in Tencent Cloud's traffic.

Host(s) being connected(regular expression): ^.*\.weiyun\.com.

It also uses a particular UserAgent(regular expression): QQ_Folder_Client.

TLS traffic analysis

TLS connections are found in Tencent Cloud's traffic.

TLS Host(s) being connected(regular expression): \.weiyun\.com$.

How to block Tencent Cloud?

  • Block the listed ports to block Tencent Cloud.
  • Block the listed http and tls domains to block Tencent Cloud.
  • Setup a content filter(ie: WFilter), which can block Tencent Cloud via signature matching.

Tencent Cloud v2.0(2014-04-22 23:34:37)

● First release.