Protocols List -> Netease Games

Netease Games ports range, how to block Netease Games in network?

Netease Games
Support: WFilter zh.4.1, WFilter en.4.1, WFilter Free 1.0, WFilter ROS 1.0, WFilter MINI 1.0
  Author: Bruce ModifyTime: 2021-02-04 03:44:35  
      Login and update protocols for netease games. This protocol can block most netease games.  

This protocol is shared by another user. You can install it in "System Settings"->"Protocols" of WFilter.


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"Netease Games" uses TCP protocol for communication.

TCP traffic analysis

Ports Range

Dynamic ports, no fixed port found.

HTTP traffic analysis

HTTP traffic is found in Netease Games's traffic.

Host(s) being connected(regular expression): (update|res|nie|matrix|gph|gameyw)\.netease\.com$.

TLS traffic analysis

TLS connections are found in Netease Games's traffic.

TLS Host(s) being connected(regular expression): mkey\.163\.com$, (update|res|nie|matrix|gph|gameyw)\.netease\.com$.

How to block Netease Games?

  • Block the listed http and tls domains to block Netease Games.
  • Setup a content filter(ie: WFilter), which can block Netease Games via signature matching.

Netease Games v3.0(2021-02-04 03:44:35)

● Add pattern

Netease Games v2.0(2019-02-14 04:19:06)

● Add patterns.

Netease Games v1.0(2017-11-27 00:01:01)

● Add patterns.